Shirt Loops
These loops are found not only on t-shirts but also on nice collared shirts. Apparently, this practice started with the Navy. Since there is not a lot of closet space at sea, sailors use these loops for hanging their shirts on hooks. College students in the ‘60s used them to keep shirts wrinkle-free and neat at the gym. Nowadays, manufacturers add them as a sign of class and quality.

Shirt Loops
Gas Gauge Arrow
You may have noticed this if you drive a car – next to the gas gauge of every car that was manufactured from 2010 onwards is an arrow pointing to the left or right. This reminds the driver which side of the vehicle the gas cap is found on! If you have been driving the car for some time, perhaps you do not need the reminder, but it is useful if you are using a brand-new vehicle or a rental car. If you ask us, this sounds pretty handy.

Gas Gauge Arrow