Surprising Uses Of Different Household Items

Published on 08/28/2019

What do old TV antennas, Solo cups, ridges on coins, and coat hangers have in common? While they seem like just regular everyday household items, they actually have secrets and tricks which you most likely never noticed before. These items will help you solve a number of pesky issues around the house if you repurpose them! Trips to Target and Home Depot will be dramatically reduced once you start doing the life hacks which we have gathered for you. Keep reading to see simple hacks which will make your life much easier.

Did You Know That These Common Household Items Are Meant To Be Used This Way?

Did You Know That These Common Household Items Are Meant To Be Used This Way?

Wine Bottle Dip

If you like drinking wine, you might have already noticed that a wine bottle has a dip at its end, but did you know it is more than simply an interesting design quirk? The name of this part is the kick-up or punt, and it gives the bottle more stability in order to prevent it from breaking or falling over due to some strong gust of wind. Also, it makes the bottle stronger to hold in sparkling wine and champagne. Lastly, before pouring wine in, the kick-up helps in the cleaning of the bottle because it makes distributing steam easier.

Wine Bottle Dip

Wine Bottle Dip