Everything You Need To Learn About Amish People’s Incredibly Interesting Lives

Published on 11/30/2021

Being Excommunicated

Meidung, the Amish term for being ostracized, is much milder than Bann, the more severe punishment. You’ll be banished to the Bann if your sin is serious enough to warrant excommunication for life. You may be shunned for a long time depending on the severity of your ‘crime.’ As a goal, the person should acknowledge their error and apologize.

Being Excommunicated

Being Excommunicated


DNA Testing

With the exception of the Amish, who refuse to allow DNA testing in order to gain knowledge more about their ancestors and possibly identify long-lost relatives, everyone nowadays wants DNA testing to learn more about their ancestors and possibly locate long-lost relatives thanks to current technology. That’s why getting hitched to your third cousin in their town is such a piece of cake. They attribute inbreeding to the will of God.

DNA Testing

DNA Testing