Everything You Need To Learn About Amish People’s Incredibly Interesting Lives

Published on 11/30/2021

No Dating

That the Amish only marry within their own community comes as no surprise given their need for spiritual support. Making a person change their way of life and activities in order to get married can be difficult. There are, however, strict rules about dating in the Amish community. To date an Amish person who has not been baptized is against the law. Once you’ve been accepted into the group, you’re free to start dating. As if this wasn’t bad enough, dating takes place only in public places.

No Dating

No Dating


Blessed Engagement

Every major life event in the Amish community is carefully considered and involves everyone in the community. Individuals must seek the approval of others before getting engaged and getting married. After a couple has been dating for a while, they are more likely to get engaged. When a man proposes to his girlfriend, he and his girlfriend must seek permission from the church. When the church gives its blessing, they can wed.

Blessed Engagement

Blessed Engagement