Signs That Totally Backfired

Published on 02/15/2025

Knock, knock

In today’s world, equality is a fundamental value—and rightly so. But who would have thought that even doors could get in on the action? This particular door has “retired” and decided to embrace a more permanent role. A career change for a door isn’t exactly something you’d expect, so someone thoughtfully put up a sign to explain the situation. Yet, despite the sign, how many people do you think have still tried to walk through it? We’re guessing quite a few.

Knock, Knock

Knock, Knock


The confusion

If this confused us, we can only imagine the chaos it must have caused on the roads. In this case, we can only hope that drivers ignored the sign and trusted their instincts instead. It’s likely this error led to a few mishaps, with responsibility falling squarely on whoever created it. Hopefully, someone spotted the mistake quickly, addressed the issue, and prevented any serious accidents from occurring.

The Confusion

The Confusion