They aren’t wrong
We’re not saying this sign is inaccurate… but we’re not exactly saying it’s spot on either. That said, we can’t imagine it was particularly well-received by bosses or customers—oops! Let’s hope the person who made it was simply following instructions from a boss with a great sense of humor. Otherwise, this might just be the last sign that employee ever designed. Either way, you’ve got to admit—it’s pretty funny.

They Aren’t Wrong
Good luck, Bob
It seems Bob is part of a road construction crew and is currently hard at work. Hopefully, this sign alerted drivers to the added hazard on the road, as it certainly caught our attention. Bob must feel quite special having an entire road sign dedicated to him, and we hope his workday was safe and uneventful. That said, the sign is undeniably distracting, and we doubt his supervisors were pleased with such a potential hazard—despite Bob following safety regulations with the proper attire.

Good Luck, Bob