Here Is The List Of Some Of The Well-Known Olympic Medalists And What Are They Doing Now

Published on 06/01/2020

The Olympic Games, which is also known as the Olympics, is an international sporting event where athletes are coming from different countries in the world participate in playing the sport they have trained for and represent their nation. Throughout the years, many Olympic medalists became famous and gained many supporters. Here is the list of some of the well-known Olympic medalists. Keep on reading to know more about their current lives and see how they have been living recently. Enjoy!

Dominique Moceanu

Dominique Moceanu started playing and participating in the Olympic Games when she turned 14 years old – making her the youngest athlete to ever win a medal in the Olympics. As a young gymnast, she admitted that she had been through many problems, but she kept going because being a gymnast was her passion. However, her career in the sport and her participation in the Olympics had to come to an end when she suffered from a severe injury when she was 18 years old. Fortunately, she successfully recovered from the injury and decided to start another journey in her life as an author. Now, she is happily married to her husband, Michael Canales.

Dominique Moceanu



Nadia Comaneci

Nadia Comaneci is a retired gymnast who started her journey in the Olympic Games with a blast. In the Olympics that happened in 1976, she made world history by being the very first gymnast to earn a perfect score of 10. Throughout the years, when she participated in the sporting event, she managed to win five gold medals and several silver medals. In the middle of 1996, she was married to Bart Conner, who was also a gymnast and an Olympic gold medalist. Now, the couple is spending the best moments of their lives together as they operate their gyms.

Nadia Comaneci