The Search For Skylar Neese
Rachel Shoaf took the cops to the woods in January 2013 to show them where Skylar was murdered. She couldn’t recall the exact spot, and the fact that it was now covered in snow didn’t help. The detectives initially failed to locate the body, but Rachel’s confession was sufficient to prosecute her with murder. A week later, the police made a breakthrough when they discovered the body of a little girl in the woods. It was practically unrecognizable by that point. Skylar Neese’s body was officially identified by the crime lab on March 13.

The Search For Skylar Neese
It Was A Perfect DNA Match
This means the cops had both the body and the confession. They then compared blood samples found in Shelia’s car trunk to Skylar’s DNA. Shelia Eddy was apprehended by authorities on May 1, 2013. She was eating with her mum at Cracker Barrel at the time. The cops waited for her outside the restaurant and arrested her as soon as she went out the door for first-degree murder. Lawyers were unwilling to represent the girls because the task seemed too difficult.

It Was A Perfect DNA Match