It Was Not Enough To Arrest Them
It was becoming increasingly evident that the two girls were involved in this. While the cops could tell they were involved, they didn’t have enough proof to arrest Rachel and Shelia. They could put an end to this madness if they obtained a confession from them. It was strange to see how well Shelia was handling it. Looking back, it was pretty distressing to see how calm she remained throughout. Rachel, on the other hand, was unable to cope with the stress and guilt.

It Was Not Enough To Arrest Them
Rachel had a mental breakdown
They could see Rachel was going through a lot. In fact, things were so severe that her parents decided to reunite in order to assist her. On December 28, 2012, everything came to a head. That’s when Monongalia County police got a call from Patria Shoaf. “I have an issue with a 16-year-old daughter of mine,” she added frantically. I can’t keep her under control any longer. She’s punching us, shouting at us, and racing around the neighborhood.” In the background of the call, they could hear the teen sobbing uncontrollably: “Give me the phone. No! No! This is the end of the story. This is the end!” “My husband is trying to contain her,” her mother said at the end of the phone call. Please act quickly.”

Rachel had a mental breakdown.