Still Remember Some Of The Viral Memes? Here’s The Latest Update About Them!

Published on 12/20/2022

Total Bond!

This t-shirt is overflowing with sweetness. This dog has this t-shirt to keep him calm if he ever thinks that his owner won’t return. The greatest dog t-shirt on the market. All we have to say is Awwwwwww…

Total Bond

Total Bond


Shutterstock Model

For a while, this well-dressed gentleman was the right way to create a good point. He always showed up with an entertaining bait and switch phrase, ready to take over the world of stereotypes. In reality, who was he? After a user assumed to have seen him in a college textbook, Reddit launched an investigation. Evidence was taken from the 9th edition of Brief Calculus: An Applied Approach. The original photo was eventually traced back to a Shutterstock model photoshoot! After that, a friend discovered the thread and discovered that the phony businessman was an electrical engineer and Texas bodybuilding competitor. Seriously, who could have predicted the outcome of that rabbit hole?

Shutterstock Model

Shutterstock Model