Blake Boston
Who wants to wake up one day and discover they’ve been dubbed “Scumbag Steve” by the rest of the world? There aren’t many people, to be sure. Unfortunately, one man had no choice! He goes by the name Blake in the real world. He had no idea trolls would take such a liking to a joke photo he had taken at his grandmother’s house. They did, however, run, run, run. “I’m Blake Boston from Boston, aka the OG meme Scumbag Steve, father of 2 boys.” his Twitter bio reads today. People, let the person live!

Blake Boston
Gavin Thomas
Gavin, a teeny-tiny human, kept the internet community entertained for hours. He’s still alive and well today! His perplexed, doubtful expression served as the perfect backdrop for a slew of inquisitive memes. But, more importantly, where is he now? His real name is Gavin Thomas, which he has revealed. Mr. Thomas has a few missing teeth these days. He’s also on Instagram and Twitter, but does he post anything? Is his mother a social media user? This appears to be the type of situation for which the Gavin meme was created in the first place!

Gavin Thomas