Green Room Is A Box?!
Anderson Cooper had the opportunity to take a look at Kenny’s pre-concert rituals, and it was definitely not what he had in mind. The green room, for one thing, isn’t the regular fancy are complete with free-flowing martinis and leather couches. Nope, Kenny typically waits inside a small box of a room just big enough to fit two people inside. From there, Kenny would be wheeled to the stage area where he would appear and take the audience by surprise.

Green Room Is A Box?!
Wanted To Be An Athlete
We are sure that Kenny truly enjoys what he does. There is no doubt in our mind that he is passionate about singing and playing music. However, you should know that things weren’t like this in the beginning. When he was younger, he wanted to play second base for his favorite baseball teams, the Boston Red Sox or the Cincinnati Reds. As we all know, he decided to make a career out of music instead, though at least he gets to perform during major baseball games!

Wanted To Be An Athlete