Not Lost
Some people simply put up signs for the sake of it. It has nothing to do with whether they actually lost anything. This guy just wanted to brag about how great his dog, Gilligan, is. And, let’s be honest, based on the sound of this sign, he’s a pretty dang cool dog. What if, on the other hand, this incited someone to kidnap your beloved pet? Who wouldn’t want their own pet as great as Gilligan?

Not Lost
Not So Friendly
The fact that signs like this one can be seen all over the internet indicates that most individuals are probably joking when they construct them. Even the wording on this sign is similar to the other one on the list. Even if the person who wrote this sign is oblivious, possums aren’t particularly harmful (did you know they can’t catch rabies? ), so they shouldn’t be at too much risk.

Not So Friendly