Here’s How You Can Prepare Your Car For Winter
As winter arrives, there are many things that need to be taken into account when it comes to car maintenance and driving in general. While we adore winter, it is important to be aware of the dangers the weather poses. From slick icy roads to storms and fog that reduce your eyesight, it’s no easy feat driving in the winter. However, there are ways to prepare your vehicle ahead of time to make things easier for you during the winter months.
Have An Emergency Kit In The Car
Once the cold weather arrives, it’s crucial to keep an emergency kit in the car at all times. Grab a container and fill it with some items you might need. Flashlights, road flares, a first-aid kit, a few blankets, a change of warm clothes, some extra pairs of gloves, a radio, a charged cellphone, a bag of sand, an ice scraper, and high-energy snacks are some items that are good to have on-hand.
Engine Coolant And Antifreeze
Before the weather gets too hectic, make sure to check your engine coolant and antifreeze levels. Without those things, your engine can, quite literally, freeze. No one wants this at any time – especially while out on the road in the dead of winter.
Tire Pressure
Be sure that your tires are adequately full – they’re the key to staying on the road in snowy weather. Tires tend to deflate once the temperature drops below 32 degrees. If you happen to live somewhere especially wintery, think about installing winter tires or tire chains before the season begins. They will make a world of difference once the snow comes.
Full Battery
Car batteries tend to die out in the winter since they’re even more strained thanks to the cold weather. Motors often have to work harder since the motor oil thickens in the colder temperatures. So, it’s important to test your car battery before the winter comes to make sure it’s working well. Think about having it inspected by a professional and replace it if needed.
Check Your Brakes
At the start of the season, get your brakes checked and serviced if needed. In the winter, the brakes are under a lot more strain than other seasons. In fact, you might want to check them again during the season to be on the safe side.
Clean Your Lights
Make sure all your lights, indicators, and rear reflectors are clean and working properly. It goes without saying, but vision impairment is a problem in the winter with rain and snow, so lights are even more important than usual.
Winter-Grade Oil
At the beginning of the winter, switch out your brake fluids and windshield wiper fluids to ones that are suitable for winter. In the winter, brake fluids start getting dirty, so it’s best to replace it with new brake fluid. Washer fluids tend to freeze in the winter, so you need to replace it with winter-suitable fluid.
Wiper Blades
Every 6-12 months, windshield wipers need to be replaced – especially if they look run down. Before the winter hits, you need to have the windshield wipers replaced. Once the snow starts falling and there is ice on the glass, blades get ruined quickly.